The importance of HSE in Industrial fire safety

The three parts of the triangle of fire must be separated in order to avoid fires. In reality, one way to achieve that aim is to post—and enforce—no smoking signs near flammable liquids and gases, as well as to keep fire watches for at least two hours after the last torch is switched off on all operations involving torch-applied materials.

Only approved, closed vessels for the storage of flammable and explosive fluids may be used under HSE guidelines; only accepted, closed containers for the storage of flammable and explosive liquids may be used- and call us for health and safety training at workplace!

A protection can is a container with a self-closing lid, internal pressure relief, and a flame arrestor that holds no more than 5 gallons of liquid. Plastic cans without the previously indicated qualities, such as those found in hardware stores or petrol stations, are not allowed for use in roof operations. Manufacturers do, however, sell canisters that fulfil HSE safety can criteria.

Single ply glue and other flammable materials that are exceedingly viscous or difficult to pour can be left in their actual shipping containers. Similarly, HSE permits the use of genuine flammable liquid containers with a capacity of 1 gallon fewer.

When liquids, gases, or solids are transferred through pipes or hoses, static electricity can be created. When working with flammable and combustible materials, it's critical to disperse this electric charge. The two containers must be "bonded" together while transferring flammable or explosive liquids from one to the other. The bonding procedure entails joining a wire to both containers with connectors on both ends.

The clips must pierce the container's covering and come into contact with metal. You may need to use the alligator clips to score the paint. To disperse static, the liquid-receiving container must be in direct touch with the earth and not protected from it. Polymer or composites pickup truck bed liners, for example, do not conduct electricity and hence prevent static charge from flowing to ground.

Devices for Fire Alarm

HSE mandates that an employer install a fire alarm system to inform personnel on the working site and nearby fire departments in the event of a fire. Alarm codes and reporting instructions must be posted on worksite telephones and employee entrances.

All personnel must be taught to operate fire extinguishers, according to HSE. Training is an integral part and should be conducted at least once a year. The training session should include how to assess whether a fire is too big to control, what sort of extinguisher to use, and the PASS early-stage fire fighting system. Call us for IOSH managing safety Dubai!


It is also suggested that live firing training be done on a regular basis. Employees are exposed to the pressure emitted by a fire extinguisher when the grip is squeezed during live training, as well as hands-on practise extinguishing a fire. This form of training is provided by several local fire services and most extinguishers providers.
